


All content on this website is contributed by users or sourced from open licence materials available online. Users are required to create an account identified with their name and email contact details, verifying that they are the copyright owner or otherwise have authority to upload each image. Users also acknowledge that by uploading content they authorise us to licence your use of the content for the Permitted Use.

This website may only be used for lawful purposes. If you upload content, you agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless from any claims resulting from the use of our website.

The use of this website to infringe upon any copyright or trademark is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying photographs, graphics, designs or any other copyrighted work.

Any account found to be in repeated violation of the copyright laws will be suspended and/or terminated.

If you object to a wallpaper published on our site, please use Contact Us form (top left of this site ) to send feedback with the wallpaper title or URL and your cause for concern. If you believe that your copyright or trademark is being infringed upon, please follow the below guidelines.

Permitted Use

We hereby grant to you a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable worldwide license to use any image from this website for personal use only as desktop wallpaper (the Permitted Use). If you wish to use images from this website for any other purpose, you must get permission from the copyright owner. All other rights in and to the content, including, without limitation, all copyright and other intellectual property rights relating to the content, are retained by the person or entity that provided the content.

Any rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act – Notification Guidelines

All images displayed on this site are copyrighted to their respective owners. You are licensed to use images only for the Permitted Use. policy is to remove all images that violate copyright laws. Please use Contact Us form (top left of this site ) to send feedback that images be removed or to assign proper credit.

It is our policy to respond promptly to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. In addition, we will promptly terminate without notice the accounts of those we find to be repeat infringers.

To make a complaint of breach of copyright, we need the following information from you:

  1. Identify the copyright work by URL or other description. If we are unable to determine which image you are referring to, we cannot consider your complaint.
  2. Let us know where you found the image on our website so that we can check the source quickly and easily.
  3. Give us your best contact details. We will need to verify your complaint. If we cannot contact you, we cannot consider your complaint.
  4. Include this statement in your complaint: ‘I believe in good faith that use of the image/s described in this complaint as allegedly infringing copyright is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  5. Include the following statement in your complaint: ‘I understand the penalties for perjury (making false statements) and swear that the information in this complaint is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner of an exclusive right that is alleged to have been infringed.’
  6. Either sign the complaint in your own handwriting, or attach a verifiable digital signature.
  7. Scan and send the complaint use Contact Us form (top left of this site ) to send feedback with the subject ‘Copyright Infringement’.

We may respond to these notices by removing or disabling access to material claimed to infringe copyright and/or terminating the users account. If we remove content in response to a notice, we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the user who uploaded the content so that they may make a counter notification.

Notices of alleged infringement that we act upon will be kept on file and may be made available to the public or sent to third parties who may make it available to the public. Your complaint is not private or confidential.

If a user does provide a proper counter-notice claiming that the material does not infringe copyright, we will notify the complainant of the user’s objection. A complainant will then have 14 days to file legal proceedings, otherwise we will restore the complained about images to our website for public access.

Any person found to misrepresent a claim regarding the infringing material may become liable to us for any damages resulting from the improper removal of the material. Please be clear on your rights before making a complaint.